the alchemy of poetry, illustration, movement, and sound to explore and express the multi-dimensionality of life
As an artist, I'm exploring the multi-dimensional nature of life: a kaleidoscopic nature that is mirrored within me, and you. In spaces of deep immersion and incubation, I intentionally venture beyond the known edges of my experience into more mysterious territories. I follow threads within and between the realms of embodiment, modern and esoteric sciences, art, poetry, ritual, sacred systems, spirituality, archetypal psychology, and living systems design. My studio is a space to touch and be touched by people, places, and unexpected encounters; a mixed media portal that is alive and always evolving. I’m guided by tradition, fellow artists, teachers, students, friends, strangers, spontaneous experiences, and Nature herself, including my body and the timeless wisdom encoded into her.
I believe we are living within a time where we are being asked to undergo deep metamorphosis: a necessary regeneration that will ask us to see how we see, think about how we think, and feel beyond the edges of our current sense of ourselves to connect to a greater potential that is being born through us, as us. Art and creative practice has the power to facilitate new levels of reflective consciousness in individuals and groups of people. The creative process itself is an invitation to discover the natural principles that generate vitality, freshness and novelty within ourselves and the world around us. I'm fascinated by the way artists are holding a collective conversation that invites greater seeing and sensing within the vast and growing complexity of life, while simultaneously touching unifying themes that transcend, never tiring across space or time. Personally, I'm interested in the way that artful, embodied expression is an essential doorway that invites each of us into a conscious experience where the aliveness needed for this transformative journey is felt and reborn.
A constellation of poetry, photography, and illustrations; an exploration of the body, nature, and heart as invisible doorways into the timeless landscape of Soul. The collection reflects the necessary descent into these layered realms to reclaim connection to essential truths, beauty, and love. Mysteriously, this journey leads to a deep, liminal space between these dimensions, a portal into our inherent interrelatedness and wholeness. There are only 300 copies available, within this limited, first edition series, each with their own unique print number.

Born through a personal struggle with mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health, this body of work aims to shed light upon the truth of these experiences, while also revealing the possibility of healing through a journey of discovering oneself and our deep connection to each other, the natural world, and forces beyond ourselves. Exploring emergent movement through a visual film reveals yet another dimension of the journey: we must speak as we are, move as we are meant to, and reclaim our connection to our wilderness, within and without.
Coming soon.
Live, immersive, multi-media portals.
Coming soon.